How To Fix a Loose Guitar String? Simple Steps for You to Fix Yourself

Imagine you are playing guitar at a professional gig, or maybe performing in front of your friends at a small party where you do not have the tools to tune your guitar. If your strings are loose, what do you do?

This is not a very difficult task, but a lot of people did not know how to overcome it quickly and effectively. Read this article to know how to fix a loose guitar string.

Then, you can completely quickly go back to your performance and complete it.

How to fix a loose guitar string

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you can easily stretch your own strings by following these steps:

  • Clean your guitar
  • Set the string
  • Measure
  • Two folds
  • Tighten
  • Cut

Clean your guitar

As you play the guitar, oil and dirt from your fingers will stick to the strings. Over time, this dirt can corrode strings, causing them to loosen or even break.

To clean them, you just need to use a clean rag to wipe them down after playing.

On the other hand, string tensioning should be done after your guitar has been cleaned. You can brush off dust with a soft brush and clean your neck.

You should also pamper the fretboard (if it is rosewood) with some lemon oil.

Set the string

Let's start by setting your strings to the bridge. In case your guitar has a floating bridge, make sure it does not move while you are restoring.

It is essential that you make an effort to get the strings firmly attached to the bridge by whatever mechanism your guitar uses. Once fastened, continue to thread the wire through the correct position on the nut.


In this step, you need to pull the strings so that it is flat against the neck.  After that, you have to use your fingers to measure it past the head's peg.

Typically, you will mark the strings at about three fingers wide. However, in case you have small fingers, you may need to go closer to four finger widths.

Two folds

Fold the strings you are adjusting to the position you measured. You will want it at a 90-degree angle, then, run the tip of the strings through the hole in the tuner and place the fold in the string against the hole in the tuner.

How do you tighten loose guitar strings

Fold the string you are adjusting to the position you measured

Continue by making a second bend on the strings on the opposite side of the tuner so that the strings goes up and away from the head of your favorite guitar.

Thanks to that, you can create a better coil when you put the strings on.


You can tighten the strings by hand if you want, just make sure you are turning the tuner counterclockwise.

While you do this step, try to keep the string by holding it to the nut with your other hand.

You should do it very slowly so that the string coils neatly and does not cut itself.  An overlapping wind can cause the strings to go out of tune more often.

If you have a peg winder, you should use it. It can help you wind the string more quickly. However, you should make sure that the string is not wound too tightly to avoid breaking it.

guitar strings loose but in tune

You can tighten the string by hand if you want

While you have wound the string to the point where it produces a clear sound when plucked, you should temporarily stop winding and use an electronic tuner or other methods to produce the right tone.

As you proceed to tighten the string, the folds you made on the cord in the previous step will cause the string to wind neatly down the tuner's peg.

It is very important that you keep the string taut with your free hand. If it is too loose, your guitar will easily get out of tune. 

After tuning one string, you may also need to tune your other strings. In fact, they can lose tension when you are adjusting loose strings.


Once your string is taut, you can feel free to trim its excess length. Make sure you end up with a string that has been properly stretched.

You do not have to keep the string from getting cut even though it is a bit redundant.

Once taut, this string can take a long time to loosen. Either way, at some point you should cut the cord. This is the only step where you will need to use some kind of tool to assist, like a pair of pliers.

Why are my guitar strings loose

You should trim the excess of the string

If you want to leave enough string at the top so you can temporarily fix it if it breaks, curl the rest of the string instead of cutting it off.

There is no denying that the sharp ends of the string can be dangerous to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I fix loose strings myself or should I pay a professional to do this?

You can completely fix this problem yourself. You just need a little dexterity and a little free time. If you do not mind spending your budget, it is best to hire a professional to do it for you.

Why do my guitar strings keep breaking?

There are a number of reasons that can cause strings to break, such as:

  • Regularly tighten and loosen the strings
  • Rough or sharp edges
  • Your guitar strings are old
  • Worn or dirty nut
  • Due to metal burr
  • Tightening the strings too much
  • Bending the strings too much or with bad technique
  • Using the wrong strings   
  • Due to the natural wear and tear

When should I change my strings?

When the string has broken or has been used for a long time, you should replace them.

How to prevent my guitar strings from breaking?

  • Wind the strings properly
  • Lubricate some parts of the guitar
  • Choose coated guitar strings
  • Regularly clean your hands and strings

All in all

Overall, how to fix a loose guitar string is not complicated at all. You just need a little ingenuity and a little free time, you can completely fix it yourself. Cherish your guitar!

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