Why Does My Guitar Sound Tinny?

Over time, your guitar may sound tinny. In fact, there are several reasons for that. In this article, we are going to shed some light on the common problem you might face that's causing your guitar to sound tinny.

After finding the cause, you can easily find a way to fix it. Let's find a convincing answer to: "Why does my guitar sound tinny?".

The most common causes of your guitar sound tinny

There are many factors that can cause your sound tinny, here are some of the most common:

  • Using a brand new set of strings.
  • Recording guitar.
  • Due to guitar pickups.
  • Due to old strings.
  • Due to the low action height.
  • Problems with pedal or amp settings.
  • Due to a strange reason.

1. Using a brand new set of strings

Over time, your guitar strings can degrade and make your guitar sound tinny. However, it is often difficult for us to notice this change, because it changes very slowly.

But you can immediately notice the difference in tone when you use a brand new set of strings.

There is no denying that choosing a brand new set of strings is very important because it mainly determines the sound of your guitar.

It can make your music sound so much better than the old set. It can also make your guitar sound tinny.

Do new guitar strings sound tinny

Using a brand new set of strings can make your guitar sound tinny

This can be frustrating for some people, so it is important that you choose a brand new set of strings that is right for you.

2. Recording guitar

In fact, trying to record your guitar to your other devices can be the cause of your guitar sound tinny.

Your guitar sounds fine when played through a guitar amplifier but sounds low when trying to record on a PC.

If this is the case, you should consider the hardware you are using to record.

To fix this situation, you need to make sure that the audio interface you are using is appropriate. In addition, you also need to connect your guitar to the PC properly.

3. Due to guitar pickups

Many guitar pickups are designed to create a thick, warm guitar sound while others make your instrument sound tinny.

In fact, if you buy a cheap guitar, chances are it is a poor quality guitar that produces a tinny sound. Thus, to avoid buying tinny-sounding guitars, it is best to try them out on a guitar amplifier at the guitar store.

If guitar pickups are what make your guitar sound tinny, you can buy a brand new guitar. In case you want to save money, you can simply replace the guitar pickup.

4. Due to old strings

As you practice the guitar, the dirt on your fingers will inevitably stick to your guitar strings. They are the main cause of string wear and tear.

The sound of your guitar can also become bad over time, although you may not realize it.

Therefore, you should clean your hands before playing guitar as well as clean your strings regularly to prolong their life.

If your guitar strings have become too bad. All you can do is buy a brand new set of strings. However, as mentioned above, you must choose carefully to avoid buying an inappropriate set of strings.

How do you make a guitar sound less tinny

You should clean your strings regularly

5. Due to the low action height

There is no denying that this is also a common cause of your guitar sound tinny. Simply put, the action height is too low means that your guitar strings touch the other frets as you are playing.

This can change the way your guitar sounds, specifically it makes your instrument sound tinny. 

Therefore, if the sound of your guitar is unusual, checking your action height is a good idea.

6. Problems with pedal or amp settings

For an electric guitar, pedals or amp settings can be one of the most common causes of its tinny sound.

It is important that you determine if your guitar sounds tinny all the time or if it just sounds tinny when you turn on certain pedals.

If your guitar situation is the latter,  all you need to do is look at the tuning knob or anything that changes the tone.

The fact of the matter is that some tuning knobs can make your guitar sound tinny without you even knowing it.

Why do new guitar strings sound tinny

Pedals can be one of the most common causes of electric guitar sound tinny

If this happens all the time, it is time to take a look at your guitar amp settings. Whatever guitar amps you use, they should all have an EQ button that can make your guitar sound tinny if not used properly.

7. Due to a strange reason

If your guitar sounds tinny, you should review all of the above reasons once again. If you still can't find the cause, it is best to take it to a guitar shop. Professional guitar installers will know what to do to help you.

Sometimes, you will also need to buy a new guitar. Please consider choosing the one that you like best.


Do not worry, this situation is not uncommon, it is important that you stay calm and find the cause. After finding the cause, you will have suitable solutions.

If you can't do it yourself, let the professional guitar repairmen help you. In most cases, they can help you solve the problem within a short period of time.

If your guitar is too old, buying a new one is the best solution for: "Why does my guitar sound tinny?" Just make sure you pick the right one that works for you so you can stick with it in the long run.

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